

Instructions & Tips For Conducting an Accurate Water Loss Test

water loss test
water loss test

Water Loss Test Video

Water Loss Test Instructions

1. Simply grab some duct tape or another type of water-resistant tape, and tape the Water Loss Card to the inside of your pool so that the water line matches up with the “0” line.

2. Wait 24 hours and then check back to see how much the water has dropped below the “0” line.

3. If it has dropped more than 1/4 inch, you have a pool leak.

Tips For The Water Loss Test CArd

*If you have an Autofiller, it needs to be turned off in order to accurately measure the water loss. However, the pool pump can be left ON.

*Test must be completed on a clear, sunny day. If rain or excessive wind becomes present, the test is no longer valid and will need to be redone.

*The pool cannot be used while conducting the test as the water needs to stay as still as possible to ensure an accurate result.

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Water Loss TEST

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