Discovering you have a leak can be a stressful experience for many homeowners. Since there are many potential causes of a swimming pool leak, finding exactly where it is can be challenging.

This is when most pool owners make two calls. One to the leak detection company and another to the pool repair company. Pinpoint takes care of both. This means we have the tools to find exactly where your leak is coming from and quickly repair it before it can cause any damage.


Pool leak tests

  •  Pressure testing
  •  Hydrophone testing
  •  Dye testing
  •  Computerized leak analyzer
  •  Electrical probes
  •  Inspection cameras

Finding a leak can be a difficult thing if you don’t have the right equipment. Most pool leak detection starts with searching for obvious signs of damage like cracked tiles or pool pump leaking.

If we can’t identify the leak through obvious damage in the pool’s structure or above ground plumbing, we take a closer look with some of the latest swimming pool leak detection technology.

It’s what allows us to detect leaks without digging or damaging property. We don’t believe finding the leak should be a bigger problem than fixing it.


Finding a pool plumbing leak

 When we suspect the leak may be coming from the plumbing, we may confirm this with a pressure test. Pressure testing should only be done by trained professionals who have the right equipment because it can be dangerous if you don’t have the right expertise.

This test will tell us if the leak is coming from your plumbing by using pressurized water or air and using instruments to detect signs of a leak. Once a leak is confirmed to be in the plumbing, the next step is finding out where it is.

Hydrophone testing and our computerized leak analyzer can detect leaks even if they are covered in over a foot of concrete. A trained technician will listen for sounds as special instruments pick up frequencies through the pool’s structure.


Finding pool leaks in inground pool

What if the leak isn’t coming from the plumbing? If you can see obvious signs of tile damage or cracks in your pool’s structure, then it may mean the integrity of your pool has been compromised 

Dye testing is perfect for when you visually spot damage in your pool’s structure and want to confirm it is a leak. It can also be used to test areas where leaks are common, like the pool feeders, skimmers, or lights.

As with most pool leak detection, the way you find the leak shouldn’t be more time and effort than what you put into repairing it. This is why Pinpoint is equipped with an array of leak detection equipment that is noninvasive and exact.


Proudly serving Arizona

Do you see signs of a pool leak? Don’t hesitate to call Pinpoint for a free sticker test to confirm whether or not you have a swimming pool leak. We are bonded, insured, licensed, and are leaders in swimming pool leak detection and pool leak solutions.