Swimming pools are a great addition to your backyard. It can take your typical backyard and turn it into your own personal oasis. While having a pool is great for relaxation and fun, it comes with responsibility. While it can technically be done on your own, we recommend hiring a professional pool service to take on the job. Extensive knowledge in pools is crucial to make sure your pool is always operating properly and staying clean.

A lot of the time, pool leaks develop due to improper pool care. Pools require regular cleanings, equipment inspections, and balanced chemicals in order to stay healthy. If these are neglected, your pool will become damaged and lead to leaks. These leaks will lead to further damage that will need costly repairs if they go unnoticed. This is why we recommend hiring a professional pool service. They know exactly how everything should be done and have a better eye for noticing leaks that would otherwise get overlooked.

Why Hire a Professional Pool Company

There’s many benefits to hiring a pool company to take on your residential pool care needs. Not only to they ensure your pool is in tip top shape, but they can bring issues to your attention before they get worse. One of the biggest issues that can come with pools are leaks. Leaks lead to a slew of issues if they aren’t repaired in a timely matter. The longer leaks go, the more you will pay for the damages. The professional pool service you hire will help you save time and money that you would waste otherwise. Resolving minor issues when they arise allows you to keep your pool running smoothly and avoid having to deal with extensive repairs down the road.

Common Pool Leaks

Leaks are found in many different areas of a pool. The most common are caused by structural damage, equipment issues, and broken/cracked plumbing. Even the smallest of leaks can cause the health of your pool to become compromised so it’s crucial that they are found immediately.

Structural damage usually refers to cracks in the shell of your pool. While you may think these are super obvious, some are so small that you will never notice them. If this type of leak is detected, a dye test will usually be conducted. This type of test requires a professional leak detector to dive underwater and manually scan the surface of your pool for cracks or crevices. When they come across a spot they think may be leaking, they take a syringe full of dye and push It out towards the area. If the dye Is pulled in, a leak is present. This can also be used to check if a light fitting is loose and letting water leak out. We recommend a professional leak detection company does this for you as they should be equipped and qualified to use scuba equipment for the dive.

When it comes to plumbing leaks, they are commonly found underground.  This type of leak especially requires professional leak detectors because it requires even more work to find and needs to be done very carefully. Because the leak is technically underground, it’s even harder to notice if you aren’t a pool expert. This is another example of why we highly recommend hiring a professional company to watch over your pool.

Common Pool Leak Signs

As a pool owner, you still need to know common signs of a leak. Time is everything when it comes to leaks. The sooner they are suspected, they sooner it can be resolved. Since most pool techs only come once a week, it helps if you are aware of what to look out for when they aren’t there.

1.) While evaporation causes your pool to lose water, losing more than 1 inch PER DAY likely points to a pool leak. You can conduct a DIY bucket test if you want to get a better idea before you contact a professional for help.

2.) Another common sign of a pool leak is higher water bills. If you check your bill each month, you have an idea of what to expect the amount to be. If  your bill suddenly shoots ups and you have no idea why, a leak is likely the culprit.

3.) Wet spots in your yard or around your pool are also the sign of a pool leak. Obviously wet spots can be caused by other things such as splashing or over watering. However, when you find wet spots lingering or notice random patches of overgrown grass, discuss this with a professional.

4.) Pool leaks cause different parts of your pool to not work properly. Every part of your pool has a purpose and each one must fully operate for the rest to do the same. When one becomes compromised due to a leak, your pool water will suffer. If you notice your pool isn’t staying as clear or your chemicals are difficult to balance, consider a leak.

Contact a Professional Pool Leak Detection Company

Pool leak detection is not easy and takes a very long time to master. While most pool techs know how to tell if a leak is present, that’s about as far as they go. They usually recommend a leak detection company to find it and then that company makes the pool owner contact a separate company for repairs. Luckily, here at PinPoint Leak Detection, we take care of it ALL. Our techs go through extensive training in order to conduct a variety of tests and are fully equipped to repair them as well. This takes the stress of contacting multiple companies off the pool owner and speeds up the process so you can enjoy your pool sooner. If you have any questions or suspect you have a pool leak, we are more than happy to help you. Contact us today!