There are many signs that may point towards a swimming pool leak. As a pool owner, you should make every effort to quickly confirm whether or not you have a leak because it can lead to costly damage for you or your neighbor.

Finding pool leaks in inground pools can be tricky if you don’t know what to look out for. Here are 8 early signs for pool leak detection.


1. Cracks or Damaged tile

If you notice cracks and falling tile, it’s highly likely you have a leak of some kind. Damage to tile happens when water pools in or around the area.


2. Wet spots in yard

Wet spots can appear anywhere from a few feet to several feet away from your pool. You may have a leak if you can’t explain the wet spots from recent weather.


3. Low Water LEvels

Call Pinpoint for a free sticker test that tracks water levels in your pool over 24 hours. It’s a simple way to confirm you have a leak and track the rate you are losing water.


4. High water bills

Higher water bills can be explained by a few different causes. But you should make it a priority to rule out the possibility of pool leaks because the longer it is left the more time it has to damage your property.


5. Algae 

Algae growth is another sign your pool may have a leak. A leak may carry chemicals out of your pool and create ideal conditions for algae growth. If you are maintaining your pool regularly and you still have algae growth, then it is likely you may have a leak.


6. Air or Debris blown into pool

When you have a pool plumbing leak, loose soil can be seen feeding into the water. This can also be accompanied by strange gurgling sounds.


7. Water under equipment

This may indicate the leak is isolated to your equipment. There shouldn’t be any water pooling or dripping around your equipment.


8. Fluctuating chemical levels

It can take a while before some pool owners connect fluctuating chemical levels to swimming pool leaks. If you are having trouble maintaining your chemical levels from day to day, then it is highly likely a leak in your pool is carrying the treated water out.


Think you have a leak? 

If you become aware of any of these signs, you may have a swimming pool leak. It’s important to quickly identify and fix a leak before it becomes a more serious and expensive problem. Depending on how long the leak is left and how big it is, it could potentially cause damage to your property and your neighbor’s property.

If you see any of these 8 signs indicating you have pool leaks, then call Pinpoint right away. Unlike most companies, we specialize in both leak detection and repair. You don’t need to call one company to find the leak, and then call another to repair it. Pinpoint is your one stop shop for detecting a leak and targeted repairs. Don’t let a small leak become a big problem.